I am so excited to be part of the Clementine Quilt Along Fundraiser with Fat Quarter Shop! I love that Fat Quarter Shop and Moda Fabrics have partnered together to match donations up $20,000 to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!
How it works:
On the 25th of January - July 2018, Fat Quarter Shop will release a Clementine pattern with matching video. The Clementine patterns are FREE to download at Fat Quarter Shop. It is suggested that you make a donation of $5 to the Fat Quarter Shop St. Jude campaign for each time you download the pattern.
Fat Quarter Shop has an amazing kit available featuring Mama's Cottage by April Rosenthal. It is gorgeous! Available here.
My fabrics
I decided to choose my favorite Bonnie & Camille Aqua Fabrics to make my Clementine Quilt monochromatic. I am loving monochromatic projects right now!
- Bonnie & Camille: The Good Life
- Bonnie & Camille: Basics
- Bonnie & Camille: Handmade
- Background: Moda Bella Silky White Bleached
Making the blocks:
1. Watermelon Wheel Pattern and Video - here
All assembled:
Bloggers participating in the Clementine Quilt Along Fundraiser.
*April of April Rosenthal (@amrosenthal)
Bonnie of Sunset Family Living (@sunsetfamilyliving)
Denise of Pieced Brain (@piecedbrain)
Elise of Elise and Emelie (@eliseandemelie)
Gina of Carpe Quiltin (@gina_tell_carpequiltin)
Heather of A Creative Pursuit (@acreativemama)
Hilary of By Hilary Jordan (@byhilaryjordan)
Jan of Cocoa Quilts (@cocoaquilts)
Jen of Heritage Threads (@heritage.threads)
Joanne of Quilts by Joanne (@turtlequilterjo)
Kairle of Kairle Oaks Handcrafted Goodness (@kairleoaks)
Kendra of Good Starter (@good_starter)
Kristen of 3 in the Nest (@threeinthenestraleigh)
Kristina of Center Street Quilts (@centerstreetquilts)
Leah of Ponderings from My Heart (@ponderingsfrommyheart)
Melanie of A Bit of Scrap Stuff (@mellierc)
Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Pat of Pat Sloan (@quilterpatsloan)
Pat B. of Life in the Scrapatch (@scrapatches)
Patty of Elm Street Quilts (@elmstreetquilts)
Rebecca of One Wee Bird (@oneweebird)
Sarah of 123 Quilt (@123quilt)
Seema of SSK Craft Shop (@sskcraftshop)
Sherri of A Quilting Life (@aquiltinglife)
Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Stephanie of Quilt 'n Party (@quiltnparty)
Tanya of Tanya Quilts in CO (@tanyaquiltsinco)
Teresa of Aurea's Kitchen (@aureaskitchen)
Vickie of Crocheting Vixen (@crochetingvixen)
Follow me on Instagram @mellierc for more sewing fun!
Have a great day!

This post contains affiliate links to Fat Quarter Shop.
I'm loving these aqua fabrics. They look beautiful.