Happy Tuesday! It's the perfect day to share my latest quilt....Flamingo Fever Shortcake Quilt! I used my ADORNit Flamingo Fever fabric (along with a few other ADORNit fabrics from my stash) mixed with ADORNit Burnish Gray fabric for the background and I love how the fabrics look together!!!
Supplies for Shortcake Quilt - lap size
1. ADORNit Flamingo Fever Fabric. I cut my yardage into 2.5" strips to make my own jelly roll
2. ADORNit Burnish gray - background
3. ADORNit Gingham Watermelon- binding
4. ADORNit Daisy Spread Red- backing (This is only $6 per/yard on sale...yay!)
5. Shortcake Quilt Pattern - Cluck Cluck Sew
-Be sure to use coupon code- ADORNIT25 at www. ADORNIT.com to save 25% off...yay!
Just look at these fabulous blocks... plus a close up of the fabric!!! Flowers, Pineapples, Gingham, Strips....LOVE!
Be sure to check out the ADORNit Outlet/Sale Fabric section...it is fabulous! I've purchased quite a few backing fabrics from the sale section and they are quilt shop quality (just older collections- but still awesome). I used Daisy Spread Red fabric for backing this quilt.
I've had a great time being an ADORNit Ambassador for the past 3 months...it went so fast! I love all the fabric that I was sent (and purchased including the clothing). Just because my "official" time is ending doesn't mean I won't keep sewing with ADORNit ;) !
Be sure to follow me on Instagram @mellierc and here on my A Bit of Scrap Stuff Blog for more sewing fun!
Have a great day!!!

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